10 Fall Recipes for 2015

10 Fall Recipes for 2015 (A Seat at the Table)

Fall is my favorite season.  I love the smell of fall, when the weather is cool and damp.  I love the first signs of fall on leaves on the sentinel trees in my childhood neighborhood, they were always the first indicators that fall was really here as the tips turned yellow, then vibrant orange.  AndRead more

Rhubarb Upside Down Cake

Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake slice (A Seat at the Table)

Rhubarb is such a unique vegetable.  It grows with big leaves that are inedible, but the stalks are a bright red, and are absolutely delicious when cooked (with sugar).  Raw rhubarb is intensely sour/bitter.  It’s one of those plants that you can’t believe someone figured out how to eat, but I’m so glad the deliciousnessRead more

Rhubarb Berry Crisp

Rhubarb Berry Crisp (A Seat at the Table)

This was another great recipe from Carroll Cafe.  Rhubarb is a great spring plant.  It looks like red celery and has a very intense tart flavor when raw.  I love baking with rhubarb because the tart flavor works so well in a variety of uses, like pie, bars, scones, and this crisp.  This crisp usesRead more