Slow Cooker Moroccan Lentil Soup

Moroccan Lentil Soup with yogurt and cilantro (A Seat at the Table)

Soup season is here! This Slow Cooker Moroccan Lentil Soup is a great one for the repertoire. The flavors are deep and rich, and it’s super filling. This makes a huge portion, so it’s great to freeze, share with others, or plan on eating all week long. A slow cooker makes this super easy, butRead more

Slow Cooker Mojo Pork

Slow Cooker Mojo Pork Thumbnail (A Seat at the Table)

This is another great slow-cooker pork meal.  I’ve been trying to use my slow cooker more to help with my crazy schedule.  Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m out of the house all day, and don’t get home until after dinner.  So in an attempt to pack more meals I’m trying to cook once and have easyRead more

Slow Cooker Rosemary Beef Stew

Slow Cooker Rosemary Beef Stew (A Seat at the Table)

So I went on a bit of a hiatus.  With the holidays, and then a cold, I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed.  I’m thinking of some new features for this little old blog, so I hope you’ll bear with me as I figure out and experiment with some ideas.  The new year is always aRead more