Marsala Chicken Meatballs with Egg Noodles

Marsala Chicken Meatballs with Egg Noodles (A Seat at the Table)

This Christmas I received the Smitten Kitchen Everyday cookbook (Thanks V and C!).  Smitten Kitchen is one of my favorite blogs, and is often a first stop when looking for a particular type of recipe.  In my typical fashion these days, I read the cookbook cover to cover picking out which recipes I simply hadRead more

Turkey Kibbeh Meatballs

Turkey Kibbeh Meatball ingredients (A Seat at the Table)

This has been a very busy Spring!  Easter was a whirl, with Sister and her fiancé coming down for wedding planning and the holiday.  My grandpa returned from his year in Japan.  Organic Chemistry is…exactly what you’d expect:  HARD.  And in the midst of all that, I’ve made more time for eating than for blogging.  SoRead more

Mediterranean Turkey Meatballs

Mediterranean Turkey Meatballs (A Seat at the Table)

I’ve recently been converted to meatballs.  They’re not something I had growing up, but since making meatballs myself (here, here and here), and then going to an awesome Meatball Shop in NYC, I’ve come to appreciate the tasty versatility of meatballs.  These are fantastic on their own, but go perfectly with the dipping sauce too.Read more