Chocolate Chia Pudding

Chocolate Chia Pudding (A Seat at the Table)

Remember chia pets?   Those funny shaped pots that would grow “hair” from chia seeds?  Well now chia seeds are all the rage for the variety of health benefits they provide.  Chia seeds are high in omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, protein and antioxidants, to name a few.  Because of all the fiber in chiaRead more

Coconut Brown Rice Pudding

Coconut Brown Rice Pudding (A Seat at the Table)

This is a fantastic rice pudding.  I think I like it even better than my previous rice pudding.  This is very easy to put together since the rice is already cooked.  The spices can be altered as desired for your favorite flavor, but I adore the cardamom in this.  I was a little afraid theRead more

Creamy Vanilla Rice Pudding (vegan and gluten-free)

Creamy Vanilla Rice Pudding (A Seat at the Table)

Coming up with new, delicious, and easy vegan and gluten-free desserts for Carroll Cafe is a challenge.  This month I decided to give rice pudding a try.  I figured there must be a good recipe using a non-dairy milk to make it vegan.  While I usually prefer my rice to be savory, this rice puddingRead more

Sesame Tahini Cookies

Sesame Tahini Cookies (A Seat at the Table)

Ok, I’m going to let you in on a secret.  When I hear that a dessert is vegan and/or gluten-free, I pretty much assume it can’t possibly be delicious.  This is entirely unfair.  I myself have made several delicious vegan or gluten-free desserts.  I know it’s not impossible, yet my skepticism remains.  But in an attemptRead more

Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes (Gluten-Free)

This was the first time I’ve made a gluten-free dessert (intentionally).  I wasn’t sure what to expect, and I didn’t want to invest a lot into ingredients I couldn’t pronounce and wouldn’t know what to do with.  Fortunately after some googling I found an excellent recipe that only required a couple new ingredients. These strawberryRead more