Recipe inspiration

Let’s talk about recipe inspiration.  I love watching cooking shows, browsing food magazines, following blogs, and browsing Pinterest.  These are all great ways that I find recipes.  The only problem is finding a way to keep track of all the recipes I want to try!  Pinterest is a great way to visually keep track of recipes.  You can follow me here.  Also, check out the recipe inspiration tab to see the blogs I follow regularly for recipe inspiration, they’ll make your mouth water.

Recipe Organization (A Seat at the Table)Now, for magazines that’s where the real organization comes in.  We get a couple of food specific magazines, like Taste of Home, or my favorite, Cooking Light.  To keep track of the recipes from magazines, we’ve started to rip out the pages, put them in slipcovers and organize them in binders.  When I cook one of those recipes, I make sure to add a little post-it note with the date I made it, and how it turned out.  If a recipe was a complete flop, it gets tossed.  Keeping these organized can be a little challenging, but so far we’ve been organizing them by appetizers/drinks/sides, soups/salads/breads, main dishes (meat), vegetarian/fish, and desserts.  Another idea (especially if you don’t have a ton of collected recipes), would be to have a binder of things you want to try, and a binder of things you’ve tried and like.  That way you’ll have a complete book full of tested recipes you know you like.

What are your tips for recipe organization?

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